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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

My sister was arrested yesterday for driving. I feel so depressed. Why should she be arrested just for driving? Why is driving even inappropriate for women? If women knows how to drive, why not? Even though my religion forbids women from driving, I still allowed my sister to drive yesterday, as I thought I should support my own sister's cause for achieving more rights for women. If she really helped women achieve more rights, she will be regarded a national heroine by women! However, what happened yesterday was a complete disaster, and she is no closer to achieving more rights for women...

Yesterday she wanted to borrow my car to drive around the city to protest. I agreed of course as since I am her brother, I must support her. With me accompanying her, she set off in my Prius. We drove around the metropolis, and she waved at women during red lights. Probably this attracted the attention of the police, as soon after there were police cars chasing after us. Eventually we were surrounded by the police cars and we came out of the car, raising both hands in the air. There were a huge crowd of people around us, watching the commotion. Some people were even jeering at us, though I think they were jeering mostly at me for supporting women's rights when I should be against it, and at me for being unfaithful towards my religion. Anyway, we were taken to a police station and detained and strangely released soon after. However, last night the police officers came again and took my sister away. My sister tried to put up a fight but was eventually overcame by the police officers. I could only watch in utter hopelessness as I saw my sister being taken away with my own eyes, right in front of me.

I feel so guilty and angry with myself! I should have protected my sister! She did nothing wrong! She merely drived! I am beginning to doubt my faith in my religion. My religion is so unfair! Women are as capable as men, the religious leaders must be able to see that! They are so stubborn in their views! I wonder when my sister will be released, but I hoped she will be released soon! There must be equality!

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